First off, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Both daughter #1 and I agree JKR doesn't really need to write another book to "fill in the gaps" as has been reported as a possibility as a "proceeds to charity" book. It would be swell, and we'd read it, but it is not necessary. Unlike the last book, I won't post spoilers other than to say, I was REALLY happy for Neville.
Jumping Jack Bash: It was like going to a concert 25 years ago. No Video screens, no shared P.A. system (each band had their own setup, with Brian Setzer setting up his own amps for the Stray Cats). No band announcements (each band just showed up on stage and started playing). No radio station shmaltz whatsoever. While we had decent seats (14th row, left of stage), anyone who wasn't on the field probably wasn't too happy. While the sound was good in the stands, if that's where you sat, you were looking at little dots on stage. The Pretenders were the best, but all were excellent... with the exception of REO Spudwagon, they sounded O.K. (exactly like 25 years ago), but...they just suck (IMO).
Brother #2 sent me a great email last week. Seems while he was cleaning out the house, he came across a Sears Silvertone Guitar and Case-Amp (both in working order). While the body is made of masonite, the neck is quite well made. It was the first guitar of many Boomer Guitarists.

These Silvertone's were made by Danelectro who does not make the the best guitars out there, but they do have a very loyal following.
We had a new roof put on last week by local roofer Gaffney Construction, who did an excellent job not only on the roof, but came up with great looking and affordable attic ventilation options no one else even mentioned (continuous fascia vents), as well as some gutter repairs, gutter install on the garage, and replacement of the second floor skylight. Kudo's to the owner, Brian Gaffney who was always with the crew, and when he found a birds nest in our old roof vent, relocated it (wearing gloves) to our crabapple tree where the mother bird found and continues to care for the chicks. I typically watch anyone we hire like a hawk to catch any potential pitfalls in the operation. While I did watch Brian's crew, I really didn't have to, they performed the contract to the letter, and even picked up my demolition garbage I was generating by removing the back porch overhang (and saved my another couple hours of work by doing so). I had to twist the laborer's arm to take some cash for going above and beyond. It was a pleasure to have such a great, quick, and much needed repair on the house go so smoothly.
This past weekend was the Fundraiser for Kelly Malecki, we joined our friends (and many others). We saw wristbands numbered in the 1100's, and you could tell all of them showed up.
Both parents seemed to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. Everyone involved did a wonderful job making sure that the Malecki's can properly pay for Kelly's care.
In the early days of their site for Kelly, many refer's (internet referrals) came through this site to get to theirs (it often takes a month to get direct search results for a new site even if you submit your site to all the search engines, so it helps to link from an established search result; which is why for the first month if you looked up "Kelly Malecki", the first result was this blog. After the first Month, Kelly's site found it's rightful spot at the top of the search engines for her name. Thank you to those who followed through to Kelly's site and helped out. I know they appreciate it. "Kelly's Crew" did a wonderful job with food, music, entertainment, and getting donations for the raffles, baskets, and silent auction items.
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