It was a great show (before anyone asks...they did NOT play Lights Out), Old material was well blended with new music which did drive us to make some UFO purchases on Amazon Music. We were supposed to hook up with some friends, but it was a 10 minute challenge just getting to and from the bathroom, finding them was impossible. We did run into one of the Mrs.'s cousins and spouse, as well as good friend/colleague Donna (the only HOB woman I know that can carry a case of beer above her head for four hours, (either hand) and still manage to stop and visit a bit). One thing we noticed was that unlike other middle-aged shows at HOB (Peter Frampton, Super Diamond etc) There were NO young folks there (under 35), I mean NONE!
Everyone there was 40-50 (thereabouts), it made for an interesting crowd. They were very intolerant of you going back and forth to the bathroom or Bar. They seemed to think if you didn't like the Bud Light they sell out around the crowd, you shouldn't be drinking at all. One person said so to me...to which I commented "I'm rice beer intolerant". On my second bathroom run (about 1.5 hours after the first, another guy commented: "Your not getting by here", to which I said "I guess I'll just go on your shoes right here". I do have to mention both guys got quite the laugh and did stop their jerkiness and let me pass.
We had one guy (probably one of the youngest in the audience), doing windmills to the (blah) opening band playing The Who. He was hitting the Mrs. and myself in the back and head. I guess I must have looked pretty ticked, because I said something to the kid and he said: "It's a concert man", one of his (my age) buds commented that I'm lucky I don't get a beer dumped on me, to which I said "It goes both ways guys, you can do whatever you want once UFO comes on, but it's too early for that crap now.". Well, I wasn't the only one who complained about his buddy, and a half hour later, the windmill guy vanished, and his buds apologized to me multiple times (I think he was stoned). The women were weirdly friendly, my Mrs. and cousin had multiple of them just come up looking for high-fives when songs started and some female bonding comments (though I think they just wanted to get closer to the stage).
I'm thinking that this (our age) crowd just doesn't
A: Get out enough.
B: Has become very spoiled in their middle age.
C: Is getting old and grumpy (myself included).
Most of the tension occurred during the (almost 2 hour) wait for UFO to come on, once they came on, the tension melted away and we were all rocked by UFO.
Just a middle aged comment: The Mrs and I have been walking regularly of late, and it has improved our ability to stand for long periods of time (as you get older you discover how hard that can be sometimes), We stood for 4+ hours at HOB, and were not even tired when we got home.
One last aging comment: Phil Mogg is starting to look suspiciously like Charlie Watts.
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