Before someone else started using the same screen name I've been using for over a decade online.
Just for clarification: The UX4484 on Jetdrop is NOT me...
I don't know... maybe it's accidental, but given HOW I picked that screen name, I would hazard a guess that it wasn't picked over there by accident... as there are a couple other screen names on Jetdrop that I recognize that I don't think they are the folks I know with those names. They also have the same joined and last visited dates...
*Update* 21, April 2008: The "EVP" of Mixr (owns Jetdrop) has contacted me stating that my (and my e-friends) accounts were "test accounts" Here's the exact quote:
"I'm sorry that you feel we've "stolen" your screen name, or that we're somehow being dishonest. I can assure you that it wasn't done with any intention of fraud; our development team just created the names to use as test accounts, and apparently some of them were named after people from other forums (such as yourself)."
He then went on to invite me to accept their "test" ux4484 username and password to take over the account and participate in their forums. I passed and thanked him in advance for removing the usernames.
A satisfactory end to the story methinks.
Thank you for doing the right thing Phil.
It's crap and I've put them on notice to remove bryus. If they don't I'm going to spread the word of their bad deeds on every site I visit.
It looks like they are trying to build a Digg-like site but it's completely fraudulent the way they are doing it.
They've removed the bogus usersnames for those who have complained so far (though they did not respond to me like they did exiii, they just removed the account(s). They want the user database, but not if it's going to get them gripes. The ningin forum registration spans 4 sites, which moves it from theft to Grand Larceny.
Thanks for the support Bryan!
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