B-52's, Funplex: RUN, do not walk to get this CD, if you like them, I can only say it's the B-52-iest. It's been 16 years since their last new release and they haven't skipped a beat.
Update 4-15-08: This disc gets better and better every time I listen to it.
I wish I could say the same for The BoDeans Still: This is less than standard fair from Kurt and Sammy. Some of the Kurt songs are good, but the PAINFUL first single (from Sammy) "Pretty Ghost" is so bad it's embarrassing to listen to. While I'm glad to see a new release from them as opposed to the string of Live albums they've released (which are all good, but hey the last GREAT new release they've had was Black & White) I can't help but think they should have spent more time in the studio (or maybe have given a production call to T-Bone Burnett).
Update 4-15-08: Since I bought this on Amazon (via download), I didn't have the info that it IS produced by T. Bone, which makes the effort a bit more disappointing. Maybe it'll grow on me.
One for Daughter #2; Panic at the Disco Pretty Odd: We've heard their first disc bursting from our daughter's room for the last two years, so for her B-day, it was a natural to pick it up for her. Obviously, someone has told Panic that Emo has been overdone by their contemporaries Fall Out Boy and that maybe they should try a different route...I can hear it now: "O.K. boys, let's go Beatlistic". In direct contrast, the best songs on this disk are the ones that are NOT Beatlistic, but overall it is a decent 2nd disc (almost needless to say, she loves it all).
Discs yet to Come: REM: Accelerate
Elvis Costello: Momofuku (to be released only on Vinyl and via Download!?) (Get out that turntable for Elvis!)
Later this summer, John Mellencamp: Life, Death, Love and Freedom
Movie I'm awaiting: Iron Man
Movie the whole family is awaiting: Speed Racer
The only thing I'll say about this flick: They should have got Zak Efron to play Speed, as there is no one on this planet that looks more anime Speed than Zak.

Elvis Costello is selling an album only on vinyl? That is *awesome*!
...Well....via download also, but I think it gives more credibility to the format than Pearl Jam doing it.
I got quite the chuckle when I first read about it.
I am SOOOOOO looking forward to Iron Man. It looks like it could by far be the best Marvel inspired movie yet.
I have seen some commercials for Speed Racer and as a fan for 30 years, I think it looks like crap. It looks like they have thoroughly lost the feeling of what Speed Racer was.
I don't know, Speed was always driving off road using the saw blades to cut through a forest or driving up sideways on a cliff or rockface to pass someone (I notice this much more as an adult watching the DVD's than as a lad on the UHF channel).
I think they went with the space race look to accommodate those abilities. It almost has to be better than the animated SR movie (or the dismal second series).
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