Happy Birthday Pennie!
(white sweater
in case you didn't know)
We know it must be extra difficult for you this year because you can't remind us the typical four to five times a day the week before and after that it's going to be/is/was your birthday. I wonder what you're doing with all that excess energy? I'm quite sure Fuad's family is more than aware what day it is. We figure that the apartment must be spotless (as well as decorated for the occasion) and Fuad has forbidden the use of the word "birthday" ;) . It's funny, even when you haven't lived near the family, your birthday has always been the one time we've always heard from you (it must be a Gemini thing), we kind of have verification of that with Mary who is right on the border of Gemini/Cancer and announces her birthday almost as often as you do (of course, that could just be because she's still in single digits). We hope you're enjoying your adventure in Amman and that you've settled into a routine, and that you and Fuad are feeling well. We all miss you, and though we tease about the birthday thing, it is a part of you that is truly endearing. It's funny when I check this blog's counter on sitemeter, especially when using the world view, you see activity from around the US, and then this one shining dot on the other side of the planet that comes here quite often, we know it's you . I thought I'd post some of your going away party pictures. You can see them larger if you click on them.

See how nice I was? I didn't even mention your (two years older than me) age :D .
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