Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Paczki Day 2007!

Happy Paczki Day everyone!

May your last day of pre-Lenten feast be enjoyable.

As some of you may know, for almost the last decade I usually take an Internet Hiatus during Lent.
I use it if I need it, but things like this blog, others blogs, entertainment (line rider), message boards, and the like are dropped off the end of the ux planet. This has got me in a spot of hot water previously, as I have passed on offers or dropped out of being a writer or moderator on a few boards I participated in. So I'd like to do something well over due (in some cases YEARS over due). To: Wes, Alan, Rob, Andrew, and especially Kent (who I think I failed to tell about my Lenten practice), I'm sorry for passing on (and/or failing) the opportunity to work with you when you took the time to offer it. Very poor Internet courtesy on my part.
.....but for a justifiable reason (IMO).
I haven't decided if I'm going to add my Internet ban this year, mainly because there are bigger more important things I should be giving up (like this extra poundage I'm toting around).

I've still got a few hours left to decide....

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