Busy, BUSY, 40 days.
The Mrs. had some health issues, had us all in quite a fright for a while. I think everything will be fine, but we're getting everything checked out just to be sure. Tax time ends today, it's amazing she was able to do so many folks taxes considering what happened! Daughter # 1 had her U.S. Constitution test, on which she did exceedingly well, she also became a TEENAGER!!! (be VERY afraid).

Daughter #2 received a guitar (over which she is very excited and enthusiastic). We'll be having a guitar camp here this summer at the ux house for my girls and a number of their friends (acoustic only, no electrics). So far we'll have about 4 kids besides ours, probably once a week, unless it goes really well...then I might consider twice a week.
The Guitar on the left is hers, a Yamaha JR1 from Musicians Friend.
Probably the biggest thing (besides the celebration of the Resurrection), has been Princess 9, which daughter #1 received for her first teen birthday from her Godfather and his Mrs. What a stupendous birthday gift (though it ended up being for the whole family). Being that we had some down time with my Mrs. laid up, we had some extra time in front of the TV and were able to watch the whole series in about a week and a half. While there are a few language issues with a troubled teen character , we all agreed this is one of the best anime' series we've ever watched. While it is a bit of a soap opera, the baseball seems for real to the point you really care about the games. The cliff hangers on most of the episodes are so good, you end up watching about six, when you intended to watch one or two. The folks in Japan must have been going nuts waiting for new episodes when this originally aired in 1998. Rather than give you a lowdown, I'll just say that I now have two baseball-playing crazy girls, who have never (NEVER) shown more interest than watching others play. Daughter #1 has been a fan for a few years, but never showed any real interest when ever we tried to show her anything about playing the game. Daughter #2 just likes to play, but has never concentrated on playing well. This has seriously changed since P-9: Daughter #1 has shown more interest and dedication to learning baseball than any other sport she's ever tried. Daughter #2 Spent HOURS learning how to hit a ball, both by being pitched to, and by tossing it up herself to hit it. Don't get me wrong, their not naturals, or even good.... but they have improved 100% in just a few short weeks over their previous skills (almost non-existent). Of course this means more activity for me... which can only be a good thing (given my bloated state). My 35 year old Ted Williams signature glove is falling apart with the punishment, so we went out and got new mitts for Daughter #1 and myself last night (Sports Authority was open until 7 p.m. on Easter!). Daughter #2 has a good mitt from her cousin from his younger days. So now with a few Nike Backyard Gems, a few bats, some softballs, wiffle balls, and practice balls (baseball and softball sized), they bug me to show them more.... In this area our Leagues are locked up by the beginning of March, so I don't know if either will team play this year.
( this what it is like to have sons?).
Matt & Steph.... you don't know what you've started.
PDA stuff: My trusty 3 year old Dell Axim X5 finally developed an unforgivable glitch... a bad digitizer. I was really leaning towards a Palm T|X, but couldn't justify all new accessories for it when functionally it doesn't get me much more than what I have. So I opted for another X5 on eBay from one of the many companies that bought up Dell's refurbished stock. My replacement's screen looks brand new, is glitch free, and all my accessories work... at 1/3 the cost of a T|X.
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