Friday, July 29, 2005

Politics...can't live with 'em...can't bury 'em...etc...

A warning to concerned parents everywhere...

It is a good thing to be involved and participate in your child's education. Homework assistance, above and beyond lessons (a regular in science, math, and english at the ux household), volunteer work at school, etc, etc, etc, all good stuff.
....but be very careful before jumping in PTA/PTC and/or Local school council at your kids school.

It's one thing when there aren't enough parents to do the job and you can just step in and help...that can be a good thing, but if you have to fight to get prepared to ruffle some feathers...and to have yours ruffled. It's amazing that just doing what you feel is best for your kids can turn into quite the clustoid of gossip and politics. Before being elected to our council, I was a regular at our LSC meetings (of which very few parents attend, unless there is a problem). I liked and respected our LSC of whom most had been in for three or more (two year) terms. I had voted for every one of them who have sat on the council for the last 8 years. It's amazing that just a few parents with a personal (and political) agenda and/or vendetta can nearly tank a positive and productive learning enviroment. Rather than outline my situation, I'll do something positive.

If you are a parent who is concerned in what goes on in your kids school, do the following...and don't wait for things to go wrong before acting.
1) Talk to your child about the culture of the school and it's staff.
2) Talk to your kids teachers and see how their view jibes with your kids.
3) Go to your PTA/PTC and school council meetings and see what other concerned parents are doing. Ask your questions and make your statements while is your forum to do so.
4) Know your principal, meet with him/her at least once a year to get a face-to-face feel for the direction they are steering the school .
5) Talk to your teacher and parent reps when you see them in your daily travels to/from school, they took the position, and should be willing to help, if not, they should direct you to who can.
6) Don't gossip! If you hear of something fishy in any way, talk to the teacher/administrator directly and get the straight story.
7) Ask Questions! Don't just gripe to other parents, if something the school does rubs you wrong, deal with it directly.
8) Don't play politics, and don't worry what other parents think about your concerns, if your concern benefits your child (and everyone else's) it can't be wrong.

Notice the first item is to talk to your child. If your child is performing well, and is happy with the environment and their teacher seems to mirror those descriptions of your have won half the battle. Parents who fall into gossip and politics will purposely talk down a teacher/administrator or the whole school just because they have a personal vendetta...even when their children are outstanding academically and socially.

I've heard similar arguments from parents heavily involved in their kids sports programs. While I sympathize, it's still's not their child's main reason for being at school..Education is.

C'mon people! Rise above the pettiness and work together! It's not about's about your children!!!

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