So... (As reported in the news) Dennis Gannon and a host of other union muckety-mucks (including
my union B.A.) got a sweetheart deal from the Daley administration to get their city pension based on their UNION Job salary (pension based on a pay level none of them would have EVER reached in their former city jobs)....
To add insult to injury, Gannon and others were able to collect that pension while STILL WORKING for the union in the job that pension is based on! Yes they paid into to the pension, but rules were changed and favors were done that basically rewarded them for being union officials dealing with the city's unions when they had worked both for the city AND the union, in Gannon's case, at the same time (for one day to cut his deal). This is something that in EVERY other way and shape would be against the City's ethics policy...which I know because the City drills it in my head every year with ethics training re-certification.
These are the same morons that agreed to (without a membership vote) give me 29 forced unpaid days off and took away overtime pay for the last two years (further under-funding the pension funds).
I think I'm gonna puke.
I can't believe one of these douche-bag double dippers actually had the nerve to hassle me for not paying the (voluntary) PAC (Political Action Committee) fee ($10 a quarter) when clearly the only action it pays for is getting themselves money and screwing the rank and file out of it.
While I make a good wage, in 17 years, I have NEVER received a raise of over $1/hour in a single year (for a single year). I've gone as long as three years with no raises (multiple times), and waited over two years (multiple times) to get minuscule back-pay raises due to their ineffectual contract negations.
This is what I pay $1200 a year in dues to be part of? In "The City" it's a SHAM!