By Mixed bag, I don't mean bad, just super different. Firstly most different without Mom, because she looked so forward to it, she didn't want to be the center of attention, but she wanted to see it all unfold. While we all attempted smiles and happiness, When the "from beyond" presents came out, no one had a moment that didn't include tears. I lost it a few times at our own house on Christmas as the tree is full of ornaments that Mom gave us over the years (including this years "from beyond" ornament via Dad and Moe). Rose found the same brand "Shiny Brite" ornaments that we've been using from her Dad's stock are being made again (glass with glitter that doesn't come off), so the tree had a red/green gold theme this year and looked especially good (as you can see).
Needless to say, we're missing Ethel, Patti, and all the others who've gone over the years, but for me it's a Christmas milestone that I have not been MOSTLY happy the entire season. I've had happy this year, but it just feels so different. I suspect that as long as our parents are around, we can (like Peter Pan) still feel like kids, but now it's time to head back home and grow up.
In her effort to cheer me up, Rose went overboard and got me one of these Fender Blacktop Strats. It's almost too nice of a guitar, and also weird to have one that I don't want to ever "improve" in any way. It screams "Play Me" while it's inside the case, I've been so busy, I've only had a few minutes to do so since Christmas Day.... I'll get around to it : D