Friday, September 26, 2008

Don't hold your breath.....

'Cause you're going to turn purple if you do......

Bailout blues? What's the hold up? Punishing the execs and making sure they don't profit from the bailout now....or down the road. This delay could tank McCain.

Gas prices.... Oil futures on the rise again....all the mortagage speculators who dumped/crashed are now fighting to get into oil futures. This is bad news waiting to happen. They tanked the banks, insurance, real estate, and stock their gonna artificially inflate/then tank oil. 
Be very afraid. 

If someone asks me to put a political sign (any candidate) on my lawn, I might just give it back to them in a way they might not like.

Tighten up the belt buckle folks, we're in for a more ways than one. 

My bro-in-law says were in for the Dow plunging to 3000, I don't think it will get that bad, but it's about to get the worst it ever has been since after WWII. 

Prepare! Be vigilant! Another terrorist attack of moderate size could tank this nations economy in no time flat. Everyone is VERY distracted just now. Focus people, FOCUS. 

*taking a deep breath*....

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