She was wonderfully patient and miraculously did not fidget with her veil during the entire ceremony. Daughter #1 was allowed to help serve the mass as procession usher as an added family bonus. Our pastor asked the children questions on how they felt about their 1st communion. She was one of the first to raise her hand. She is so honest and sincere it makes me almost cry sometimes. The luncheon went well (though I didn't get to talk to everyone as much as I wanted). Daughter #2 thanked (as well as charmed) everyone there. We also had an absolutely beautiful day for it. I think she was even more excited the next day when we went to our regular Sunday mass, and was able to take part in communion as a family.

Mom and Dad came out (It was great to see them). They had to leave a tad early so they could stop and see one of Dad's old police buddies Jack Wallenda who is ailing (If you follow the link, you have to read down about 3/4 of the way to get to Jack).
Our fondest memory of the Wallenda's was going to the races (stock car, and demolition derby) as kids. Imagine two or three massive station wagons loaded up with 14 kids and 4 adults (sometimes more) going to race night. It is one of my earliest childhood memories.

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