Friday, January 13, 2006

On Pay Per View: Sky High

I kind of wanted to see this at the show last summer, but I could not generate the interest of "The Girls" to go see it.

I have to say, even from a comics fan perspective that this movie was wayyyyy better than I thought it would be. In all honesty, story and acting-wise this movie completely captures the feeling of the silver age of comics (mid-60's to early 70's) of both the DC and Marvel universes.
It's got a bit of camp in the story setup, but like any good scifi/fantasy pic the universe is fully realized and almost taken for granted by it's inhabitants. There aren't as many jibes at the genre' as in "The Tick" (comics, or either series), but there are quite a few good injokes about heros and how they are viewed...even in the hero universe. That they managed to fit some believable high school situations it with it as sub plots is amazing. The main kid "Will Stronghold" is dense when it comes to girls, but not stupid when it he realizes he's being manipulated away from his childhood friends. The cast is first rate, with a couple surprises for the teaching staff ;).
Speaking of cast....or should I say "caste", the movie's main thrust is about the Super Hero caste system, where you are placed in Hero or sidekick classes based on your powers and/or attitude.
The moral is "We're all Heros" and "Labels are bad".
They skirt the only issue I have with this movie.....which is....
Heros such as Batman, Green Arrow, DareDevil, The Spirit, and maybe even Charles Xavier would have been labeled.....sidekicks.

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