Monday, December 19, 2005

Just TRY to be a nice guy, Part II

From May 2005 :
"Well, this "nice guy" has had it. I think it's time to put in a formal complaint. I've held off for the last 8 years because I thought this person was going to retire...but it looks like it'll be another decade before that happens.
I've said it before, and now I'll have upper management say it:


Well, I never had to put in that formal complaint....he managed to rub some management types the wrong way with some big time insubordination.....he wasn't fired, but he's at least backed off attacking (just about) everyone without thinking. I honestly have to thank heaven, because I've been including this guy in my weekly intentions of people who need guidance....and hopefully he's found some.

Good Will towards men....

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